Exclusive Humboldt video!

Dear readers,

During my return to Humboldt, right here in Saskatchewan, Canada, I spent time shooting a glossy 4K video about Humboldt Summer Sizzler Comic Con; a true gem of a comic con, as it is one in the deeply rural city of Humboldt.

Not only did I shoot some beautifully cinematic RAW video, which I colour-graded and processed myself, but I got exclusive access to interviewing Jeff Burton, founder and organizer of the show, the night before the con.

The video has full, 100% accurate closed captioning (accessible via YouTube’s CC options) for both accessibility and accurate translation to other languages via YouTube’s auto-translate options.

Watch below!

While I’m here, I’d like to take the opportunity to not only thank Jeff for putting on such a wonderful show, but also to thank anyone who came to see me at the show; I greatly appreciate it.

In the video, I mention that videos like this are a lot of work, and that’s no lie, they’re a lot of running around at times when I’m trying to travel to - and organize for - another priority (in this case, being ready for, and attending, Humboldt Summer Sizzler Comic Con). If you do wish to support my efforts on videos like this, and please only do so if you wish to and if you can afford to, you can do so by either donating to me via Ko-Fi or by buying something from one of my shops on this website.

Thank you,



Thank You, Winnipeg!


Returning to Humboldt!